Perler Beads


New member
Does anyone remember Perler Beads? They were short and thin cylinders that you put on peg boards in different patterns. When you finished you carefully covered it with wax paper so you could iron the design melting the beads together. As I write this I am looking at the one I made of a cat, so many many years ago. Do you remember these, or have any lying around the house somewhere?
I personally never messed around with these. That being said, my little sister did so quite a bit. She use to make a lot of video game characters like Mario and Luigi, World of Warcraft characters, some Overwatch characters and the likes. I actually found them to be pretty cool. I haven't talked to her in a few years, but I'm pretty sure she still does stuff like that.
Those were so much fun. I used to make all kinds of designs with those and I haven't used them in years. I have no idea where they even went.